What are the reasons for Blogging?


What are the reasons for Blogging?

Have you ever heard of Blogging? If you have never heard of blogging, you should read this article in a good way because today I am going to give you full information about people's Blogging and the blogging or the benefits of blogging.

After reading the article that you have doubts in your mind, you may get answers to all those questions. Very few people are aware of the Blogging because no one has provided complete information about it till date.

many people who are doing 9 to 6 job today are not happy with their job because they are not able to work as per their wishes but are doing something that is asking them to do company them. there is no one to praise their good work.

Because they take Manager credit everything. In such a situation, the desire to work ends. It is also very difficult to make balance in your Professional Life and Personal Life. With this you can't do anything to your mind.

in such job, you do not get the chance to learn anything new, which also gradually reduces your thinking ability.

if i tell you that you can do all these things and you get the money to do it with it, you may not even trust me. but that's absolutely true.

Before you come to Blogging, you should know a little bit about it because I have seen a lot of Bloggers that blog start but can't continue further because they lack patience.

Therefore, it is wise to get complete information about anything new before it begins. So today I thought of the way you people Blogging so that you too know the whole details. Then start without delay and know about the fate of Blogging.

The Benefits of Blogging in Hindi

Blogging Karne Ke Fayde

You may have heard of Blogging, but you may not have heard of it so well. So let's now know what are the reasons for Blogging.

1. this allows you to learn new things

Blogging means that people should share all the things you think should know and learn in this world. These are all things to learn about and share you know about and something new you learned about while reading about it.

when you create a new blog, you'll know for yourself how you're learning new things, all the things you knew very little about. if you want to clean a cloth on the threshold of withdrawal, you also clean your own hands in order to clean it.

2. This allows you to think more Clear

thinking about anything clearly and thinking about new ideas is also very important skill in anyone's life. and you are not taught about all these things in schools.

So Blogging fills your void or emptiness and adds to your thinking ability.

This makes you think even more deeply about things around you, such as your releations, society, etc. It also gives you the chance to discuss about any topic with others. This allows you to know about your Strength and Weakness so that you can improve it.

3. this allows you to write better

They say that if you continue to do anything, you can master it. Similarly, if you are Blogging, you are constantly mastered in writing about different things. This increases your writing ability automatically.

4. This further increases your Confidence Level

I have seen a lot of Bloggers who were not so confident before but their Confidence level has increased over time. This is a very good thing for them.

Blogging lets you voice your opinions. Even if you're wrong, you give your opinion in all topics. This does not make you afraid to make mistakes, but you think that it has helped you teach something new and correct your mistake.

You must have given many such good and bad comments in your Blog. While you are not more happy than a good comments, bad comments don't even lose your control, such quality itself does a lot.

5. This increases your ability to Express

Anything we read, write and think about again and again. So obviously we'll have more knowledge in that thing. Similarly, if we read and ideas share some of our Blog's topics bar, obviously we'll have good information in that topic and we can Comfortable and discuss with anyone.

And it also increases our Confidence level and we can idea share about it even in very large audience.

6. it can also make you money

Yes, friends, it's true that you can earn a lot of good money from Blogging, but you'll have to work very hard for that. There are many Blogs who earn lakhs of rupees a month.

so the most important thing is that you have to keep patience and do your work diligently. and you'll definitely get an in result of it.

7. you can be of great use to others

God also helps you if you want to help someone at heart. Yes friends, if you earn well, your Blog that makes it your responsibility to help people who desperately need help. Because these upper ones also help you to do so.

i have seen many bloggers that help other needy people with their share of income and in turn god also helps them.

8. You don't need any Prior Knowledge to Blogging

As if something else happens, you should understand that thing in advance, but Blogging don't have it at all.

No one can learn it very comfortably. And the most interesting thing is that in just 15 mins you can prepare your blog. It does not require any Coding or technical knowledge.

9. It Challenge you every day

Who doesn't like Challenges. We also continue to face challenges in our lives. We can recognize our true ability only by facing Challenges.

Because it's easiest to stay in your Comfort Zone, you can never grow it, and you can raise yourself by learning new things by facing challenges.

Just like Blogging gives you challenges every day so you can cope and make yourself more capable.

10. It is absolutely Free (or affordable)

Nowadays anyone can Blog start. Platform free provided by Google also known as Blogger. You can also Blog start yourself by buying Domain and Hosting of yourself and that too in affordable rates.

11. Helps to Audience build

It has often been found that people are more attracted to learn and understand something or say that they get some value from. That's where you start providing Value when you start a Blog.

And gradually people come to learn something new on your Blog. This gradually increases the capacity of your Audience.

12. you can help others

If you want to help someone else in your life, you should start Blog. If you want to improve the lives of others, you should Blog start.

You should start Blog even if you want to inspire someone else. If you want to deliver knowledge to millions of people for free, you should start Blogging.

13. it certainly affects others

I'm going to tell you a true story that may make you feel overwhelmed. Two girls aged 9 years and 12 years. The two made a blog about the status of their School. Of how they have to go through bad learning conditions. Which was much appreciated by the people.

And soon they both raised about 1.5 million. Impressed by this Blog, his School brought the right changes to their School. And they cut off this money in the repair of School in distant villages. This allows you to guess about the true strength of Blogging.

14. it makes you disciplined

Blogging you have to be Discipline because people need good articles constantly. If that doesn't happen, they'll stop coming to your Blogs. So Blogging can make you a hard working man from lazy.

15. this increases your credibility

Blogging greatly increases people's trust on you, which also increases your Credibility. You're always research, which also increases understanding about your problem, which can help you better, which also affects your Credibility.

16. This makes you Observation sharpens

Blogging constantly challenge you so that you have to see anything different from others. While someone else normal, you change the way you see the smallest details of it.

it is said that you display things from another point of view with the help of your observation. all these things happen only if you continue to blogging.

17. It Boost your Offline Business

A survey has revealed that 97% consumers prefer to see any goods in Online before buying them. So even if you have a Offline shop, you should promotion it in online.

This will enable people to come to buy goods by looking at online about your business.

This gave us the learning that we can influence our Customers through our Blogs and that it gives us more advantage than our competitors.

18. This Creativity Boost you

As you Blogging, your Creativity will continue to be boost. You will become more resourceful and more Creative. You can think better and better. This can make the world even better. Bloggers learn something new every day so their Creativity is more day by day.

19. this allows you to make better decisions in life

every day there are many incidents in our lives where we don't understand which decision is suitable for us. in such a situation, we may be harmed by making wrong decisions.

If you're Blogging, you'll have more understanding than others. You must know how to work in priority based. So that you can make the right decisions not only in your work but also in life.

20. you will be happy

They say that khusi cannot be purchased with money. Blogging help you help others give you a different comfort. It also increases your knowledge.

which brings you positivity. this is a feeling that is not easy to share in the whole world. it gives you the happiness that you may never pay.

21. you are more free

Blogging you can work anytime and anywhere, there is no time restriction for you. The best thing you do is do your favorite work.

which makes you feeling a different kind of freedom. so you can devote your time to your family and your hobbies. this allows you to help the whole world if you want.

22. get to learn a lot new

When I first started blogging, I didn't have much knowledge about domain names, hosting servers, HTML, social media, link building, SEO, blog design.

But while blogging, I gradually learnt all these skills which helped me a lot later. Similarly I have learnt a lot more from Blogging which I can use in my life.

23. This makes you Content Creator

Only 1% of those believed to make new Content in Internet. The rest of the 99% consume only these contents. And as our civilization progresses, we need even better contents.

So I request you not to be Content creators Content Consumer. This feature comes from Blogging and you can create a different identity of yourself by helping others.

24. This allows you to create a better Network

i have befriended many people whom the rest of the people consider to be gurus, or coach. everything is blogging. i have taught a lot from many such people and i have taught many.

Many people consider me their role model and regularly follow my Blog. This has made me a wonderful Network where we interact with each other and mututal understanding we help each other.

25. it will immortalize you even after your death.

as we know, all living things die one day or the other. similarly, we have to come. but say writing survives even after many years of someone dying.

But if you write well and publish it to the world, it will last for many years. And it is only with the help of Blogging that we can do these things and immortalize our work even after our death.

what you learned today

I sincerely hope I gave you people full details about what are the reasons for Blogging and I hope you guys have understood about the the benefits of blogging of Blogging.

I am happy with all of you readers to Share this information to your neighbours, relatives, your friends, which will create awareness among us and benefit everyone a lot. I need the cooperation of you people so that I can convey more new information to you.

I've always tried to always help my readers or readers from all sides, if you have any kind of doubt you guys can ask me to be stupid. I'll definitely try to solve those Doubts.

Please write down comment to tell us how you like to Blogging this article so that we too can learn something from your thoughts and improve something.

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