What is Digital Signature and how to make it?


What is Digital Signature and how to make it?

Kya apko pata hai ke digital signature kya hai aur digital signature kaise banaye? Chaliye jante hai to ye kaam kaise karta hai aur kahan istimaal kiya jata hai.

Do you know what Digital Signature is (What is Digital Signature in Hindi)? Here I want to give you some questions related to it. It's a little technical, but I'll try to explain it to you.

Guys well so you use Signatures in place in your life. Signature, that is, signature, is a sign of our consent. If we are writing our signature , it means that we are expressing our consent to that thing . For example, in the check book of a Bank, or in a government document where we agree, we write our Signature.

But have you ever thought that these Signatures can also be faked? There are many people who can copy any Signature. Now there is a little fear here because if someone robs us of our hard earned money from such fake Signatures, it is really scary.

But now you're not nervous because we've started using Digital Signature instead of Physical Signature. So that the work of such a firoti is impossible. So today we will learn in this article what this Digital Signature is and how to make Digital Signature. So let's start delaying what.

Digital Signature क्या है (What is Digital Dignature in Hindi)

It's a technique we can know the truth of anyone's document. We can find out how Authentic or Genuine that document is.

Digital Signature is designed in such a way that it can be easily identified if any tampering(tampered) has been made. This provides a proper knowledge of the origin, identity and status of that electronic document.

digital signature kya hai

A valid Digital Signature assures us that the documents sent was sent by the familiar Sender, it confirms. And he cannot turn away from sender.

Digital Signature is a standard elements for many Cryptographic Protocol Suites and is used in many places like Software Distribution, Financial Transaction and Contract Management Software so that forgery can be easily caught.

How to create and work Digital Signature

Digital Signature is based on Public key Cryptogrphy also known as Asymmetric Cryptography. It uses RSA such as Public key Algorithm and makes two keys generate which Private and Public.

And these two are keys Mathematically linked. To make Digital Signature, the electronic data that is to be signature with the help of Signing Software is one way Hash made. Then the hash is encrypt with the help of Private Key.

what is digital signature in hindi

This encrypted hash and other information associated with it such as Hashing Algorithm are called Digital Signature.

Here we encrypt empty Hash instead of the entire message because with the help of Hash Function we can convert a arbitrary input into a fixed length value that is smaller than the common tor. This saves time because Hashing is much faster than Signing.

Hash value unique if we look at his Hashed Data. If anything changes, the data, even if a character is manipulated, will show a different value in the result.

This feature enables others to validate the Integrity of data by using the signer's Public Key to Decrypt the hash. If decrypted hash match with another computed Hash, it gives evidence that there is no change in data. And if the two don't data match Hash, it is possible that there must be some change in the data, it cannot be trusted any more.

Now I want to explain to you people by giving them an easy example . Suppose there is one man "A"who wants to send some necessary document through email to another man who is"B".

  • The document that needs to be digitally Signed is apply hash function (a small program) and produces a"numbered sequence"called Hash.
  • The same Hash is then encrypt with"Sender Private Key".

after doing this, he is now document digitally signed. and he is sent to another man.

Now the other man ,"B"gets Signed Document, now he has to do some things to check the authenticity of that document.

  • First, he had to use "Hash function" on the document that would give him Hash in result (also known as H1).
  • The second step he has to decrypt the Signed Document is to use "Sender Public Key" and give him Hash in result (also known as H2).

Now both H1 and H2 have to compare, and if both H1 and H2 are out, we can say that the Signed Document is completely original and there is no manipulation.

Digital signature under the Indian Law. (Legal Aspect)

Now you must be wondering if this Digital Signature is certified from our Indian Law. So don't be afraid I'm going to give you full details about it.

Section represents Digital Signature under Information Technology Act 3, 2000 (update in 2008) legal. Section 35 perfectly explains which C Certifying Authority issue will do "Digital Signature Certificate"if a applicant has Digital Signature generate.

Is there a difference between Digital Certificate and Digital Signature?

Let me tell you that there is a lot of difference between digital certificate and digital signature. Digital Certificate is used to verify the trustworthiness of a website where Digital Signature is used to verify a document key.

Is it safe to use Digital Certificate?

So in this context, we can say that as long as you have a secure Private Key, it is safe complete to use Digital Certificate.

For your information, let's say that Private Keys is generate and store in FIPS compliant Cryptographic Token, so it's impossible to Temper it. We can say that Private Keys is made in that Cryptographic Token, it remains there and within it he dies and it never comes out.

Private Keys is required during Digital Signing to use it in a software and also requires a PIN to do so. So you have to protect this Cryptographic Token as well as that PIN.

That's why it's Safe because you'll have to know his Cryptographic Token as well as his PIN to access someone's Digital Signature.

Benefits of Digital Signature

The main function of the Digital Signature is to prevent any kind of tampering (tampering) and imparsonation (disguise) with any Digital Documents. This lets us know the real truth of any Digital documents whether it is real or fake.

These are the main benefits of Digital Signature:

Authentication: As we know Digital Signature are linked with the Private Keys of any user and only he can use it so here it is known who is the real owner of this document

Integrity: If there is any difference in a single single bit digital signing, it is completely evidenced that it is not document andtrustworthy. 

Non-repudiation: If a user has signing its digital in a document, it cannot turn away later. This is because the signing of any user cannot be fake by using its public keys. 

Digital Signatures vs. Paper Signature

If it is said that there is more safe signature kon c, then it can be said that Digital Signature is more safe than Paper Signature. This is because ink Signature or Paper Signature can be copy with great ease. But it's probably not so easy if we talk Digital Signature.

This is because a electronic identity cryptographically in Digital Signature is bind in a electronic document. And which cannot be copied so easily.

About Digital Signatures

If I talk about today's door, I can say that nowadays there are many modern Email programs in the market that support Digital Signature and Digital Certificate, and email has made it very easy to go.

Because it is very easy to validate digital signed incoming message with their help. That is why Digital Signature are being used very much because they provide proof of the authenticity, data integrity and non-repudiation of digital document if we talk about a transaction in Internet.

what you learned today

I sincerely hope that I gave you all the information about what Digital Signature (What is Digital Signature in Hindi) and I hope you people have come to know about this new technology.

I am happy with all of you readers to Share this information to your neighbours, relatives, your friends, which will create awareness among us and benefit everyone a lot. I need the cooperation of you people so that I can convey more new information to you.

I've always tried to always help my readers or readers from all sides, if you have any kind of doubt you guys can ask me to be stupid. I will definitely try to solve those Doubt.

Digital Signature this article and how to make Digital Signature, please write to us comment so that we too can learn something from your thoughts and improve something.

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